Monday, September 22, 2008

la vita e bellissima

Every morning when I wake up and look out my front door I see an ancient Etruscan wall and every time some part of me has forgotten that I am in Italy and that I live in front of this wall and a smile that starts in my heart creeps out onto my face.

I love this place.

I have begun my preparations for leaving. Charolette said that I can have my room back on the weekends and that I can leave my stuff here. That is one less thing that I have to worry about. I can also stay here for a couple of weeks after I finish camp while I am finding work and an apartment.

I am having trouble sleeping but 6 o'clock will come very early tomorrow. O how i love thee espresso!!!!

1 comment:

Adam Neese said...

Thank you for keeping your blog updated.