Friday, September 12, 2008


i have been here for a week now but it feels like i never left. everything has fallen right back into place, except i feel alot more comfortable and i am not living in a house with four other girls without a mirror. i live in the basement of my professors house and there is actually internet and the shower works, i dont ahve a closet but the spiral staircase that leads up to the rest of the house is a great place to hang things up. i love it here i find so much clarity and it is so beautiful and i feel healthier because the food is soo fresh and delicious and i walk all the time. i highly suggest that everyone should come live here at some point in there life.

i am working on getting some postcards off. i swear that before i leave you will all get one, those of you who sent their addresses to me.

i have been with two fabulous little boys every day of this week for pretty much all day and it makes me want to thank my mom tenfold for putting up with me. they are fabulous little boys and i adore them but they are really exhausting. I am looking forward to the weekend when i can walk around the city and go out and have a good time.

the other americans here are great and everything is looking like it will be good

i go to teach at a camp outside of pisa in two weeks. i am a little nervous but excited at the same time, i know that it is going to be hard work but i love children and theatre so teaching it will be amazing.

i hope that everyone is great more later

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