Wednesday, September 24, 2008

cold feet and wet beds

This morning was amazing. Alessio woke up before I did and I came into the kitchen and his sweet little eyes greeted me this morning. I heard a tale about a terrible dream in which Max was mad at him and something horrendous had happened to Thomas the Tank Engine involving a monster. After listening intently I looked at him with excitement and said, "what's today?" "MY BIRTHDAY". The dream was soon forgotten and the presents, cake, and all the big boy things that a five year old can do went flashing through his mind. I then brought to his attention the perfectly wrapped yellow package that sat on the table. I read him the card that was beside the package and then gave the go ahead to begin tearing through the paper. My heart filled with anticipation as well. Memories flashed back of Christmas and birthdays past where I too had the gleefull somewhat savage "present" look in my eyes. The frustration that came along with the paper was soon overtaken with the joy of a beautiful new Cars alarm clock, and for a brief second everything seemed perfect. It is strange how watching the moments that children experience can bring such clarity into the eye of the beholder. These must be some of the moments that parents live for when all the hard parts of taking care of children seem to melt away and nothing but love fills your heart.

Max was in a great mood too this morning and for the first time he didn't ask for his bottle. I was impressed. We then spent the rest of breakfast looking over an American monument pop up book and I taught them the Star Spangled banner (more like I had a theatrical moment in the kitchen using a paper towel roll as my microphone and using the opportunity to sing at the top of my lungs.

I am going to miss them when I leave. I find it strange that the older I get the better I am getting at letting people go but holding memories extremely tight. I am learning that I infact have very little control over this roller coaster of life and the more willing I am to just ride it the easier it seems to be to live.

In other news, Italy is still beautiful. It's getting a little too cold for my taste but I have a beautiful new jacket to take care of that. I have also learned that no matter how calloused and blistered your feet get they still work.

I don't know why I am so joyful right now; it might be all the espresso or maybe it's that clarity moment sticking with me. Either way I hope that I can feel like this for awhile.

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