Sunday, September 21, 2008

sore throat

Being a fake mom is pretty exhausting. By the end of the day I find that I cannot even keep my eyes open. I think that all moms deserve a big prize.

My next step in this journey will be going off to Grande Prato, an over night camp that is near Pisa. I am really excited but ofcourse a little bit nervous too as can be expected. I will be with children that range from age 6-12 and I will be teaching predominantly theatre which is mainly based of games and we have to come up with some kinda skit that will be performed at the end of the week. The thing that I am the most nervous about is teaching English but I am sure that it will be ok. It's mainly the days of the week and "how are you?", "i'm fine" and so on and so on. I am hoping that I can knock this cold so that I will be ready to spend my whole day requlating kids and singing really fun songs and hopefully telling some ghost stories.

I have done some shopping while I was here. I bought some sweaters and a really amazing jacket that I love alot. I love shopping in Italy because everything is priced properly. You don't pay alot for something that is going to fall apart and if you buy something really cheap, you have an idea that it is not going to last forever. The shoes are a constant temptation here. I need a new pair of boots but i am going to hold off until I am making some money.

I helped Kierston, one of the American girls here, find an apartment and I am hoping that when I get back there will be a room still open so that I can live there too because it is not insanely expensive and in an amazing location. This week I also need to put an add up at informa giovani saying that i can help tutor in english. There are some other opportunites that have been made available to me and I am hoping that one of them will work out. Tutoring is always an option and there might be a place open at an english school here in arezzo, and i am also hoping that the university that i gave so much money to will buck up and give some of it back to me for all the work that i have done here with the American students.

I have been really exhausted lately and I think alot of it comes from the fact that I am always thinking about what is coming next. There is alot of unknowns, not bad unknowns, but things that i cannot control and so desperately want to. I love this country, I love speaking a different language and the challenges that living here present and I hope that i dont have to leave any time soon. Anyway I am happy and pretty healthy and I have a really sweet jacket.

Love you all.

a presto


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