Friday, October 24, 2008

moving on up

Next week I will be moving to Florence and living with a family. They are a family that is well known by the place that I currently work for or else I probably wouldnt be putting myself in this situation. I met the mother of the family and she seems really nice. They will be taking care of rent and food in exchange for a little bit of help and I will still be able to work and save more moeny. I think that they are only going to need me for a bout two months. Sometimes I cannot believe that I am here and that I am doing this and for the most part I am doing it on my own, and with the help of really amazing people that have been put into my life. I am quite blessed to say the least.

My tuesday thursday class is going well. They are alot smaller than I thought they would be. I have Livia who is three, Giorgio who is 3 and a half and quite a little jerk and Giovanni who is 2 and a half, freaking cute but dead set on eating the playdough and not listening to a word that I say. I think that they are learning a little bit though which I am happy about, at least they are hearing english.

It's been really beautiful weather but I think that it is about to start raining. I think that after all this hard work I am going to treat myself to a pair of shoes. I am definately looking at money in a very different way than I used to. I have always had respect for it and the things that I buy but now it's much more precious and I have a fear of spending any of it.

The end. a posto.

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