Wednesday, October 8, 2008

greek theatre with people who can hardly speak english

This week has been really interesting. I found out that i get wireless at the camp. The kids are not nearly as devlish this week. I created skits from greek myths and they are putting them on. They are doing a good job and i am really proud of them. I am really nervous for the final performance at the end of the week. I hope that everything goes well.

I committed to the job in Florence for the time being but will need to find other work on top of it. It is teaching an english lesson for a hour and a half tues and thurs and the working on saturday as well. There is not much money in it starting but they have also put me in contact with a lady who will rent me a room for not very much money. I still need to talk to her but living in Florence again will be nice. I am also going to get in contact with the theatre that is there so that i can audition for something and get back to my actor roots. I have a really bad cough which made me roomate here at camp abandon me and go sleep in another place. I feel terrible but there is nothing that i can do about it. I love you all and i hope to get some emails soon. I like them, it makes me happy and comments would be nice just so that i know that someone is reading this. I love you all


1 comment:

Adam Neese said...

i miss you..