Monday, February 25, 2008

OK, I am here and I am alive but i do not have internet at the monestary and the only free place in town will only allow you to be on for thiry minutes at a time. My school is cute the monestary is beautiful and i was one of the lucky ones who got my own room. It is really cold in the monestary so i have been sleeping in my 40 and below gloves. The town is the perfect size for us and no one speaks any english so we are being forced into it pretty forcefully. When i drink my italian gets alot better. We went to Firenze the other day which is alot busier and absolutely stunning not to say that everything here is not stunning. All the girls that i am living with are nice for the most part but one of them is super pretentious and kinda a complete bitch. We dont really get along to say the least, but she will not ruin this for me. The train is really fun but hard to use. Kirk is the resident OU person here and he is teaching one of our classes which consist of traveling around the country and learning art history. Pretty hands on to say the least. He has two little boys. Alessio and Massimo and they are probably the cutest things I have ever seen. Kirks wife offered me a job to teach drama in English to little italian children and I think that I am going to do it so I might not be home until August or September. I really hope it works out. My parents were here and they fell in love and feel at ease about the whole situation. School starts next week so we are going to go see a town on the coast called Lucca. We havent really gotten to meet many italians so i cant wait until class starts and we can talk to people of our own age. The food is amazing and chead it is a euro for a panino that totally kicks jimmy johns ass. Well I love and miss you all and am sending you love from Italy. Postcards and stuff will probably start coming once I get more comfortable talking to people. I feel like I have improved in the last four days so the next months will hopefully make me alot better. KISSES AND HUGS!!!

Ciao miei amici!!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

I have almost five days left

I am really excited and quite nervous. Everything is pretty much done. I have been trying to get my credit card companies to confirm that I can use my credit card over there. I am not going to have a phone in Italy and I think that is the scariest thing to me. I am going over to Arezzo with alot of unknowns. I still don't know if I am going to have a roomate or how I should get to the monestary that I am staying once that I am in Arezzo. I am trying to not worry because I know that I have done everything that I can. I am excited about my flight because I get free drinks. I keep joking that I am going to not be able to walk when I get off the plane but atleast I won't have any anxious energy.
I have talked to a couple of the girls that I am going over there with and they seem to be going over there with the same objectives that I am. I want to learn the language better and travel all over Europe. On the 25th I am going into Florence to check out the embassy and then my classes start that Thursday. Apparently Italian professors are kinda hard core Nazi's that have been teaching since their conception so I hope that Professoressa Spandri does not try to eat my soul. We are only enrolled in 9 hours right now because of a miscommunication. For my last class I asked to be enrolled in an art class or maybe a theatre class. I would love to try to act in a language that I am still pretty unfamiliar with. I cannot wait to get over there.

Andro in Italia in cinque giorni. YAY !!!!

Monday, February 11, 2008

One week to go

I am leaving on the 19th to take off for Italy. I am really excited and ready to go. I created this to keep everyone posted on what's going on and so that everyone knows that I am still alive.