Sunday, March 16, 2008

We went to Cortona but it was foggy. We had a blast that night, there is alot of American's there and the Italians there are a little bit nicer. We went to Rome but it was pouring the whole time, we got to see some cool stuff there. We went to Pisa the other day and it was beautiful. We did alot of walking. It was so funny because there was like 30 people in the middle of the field with their hands out ready to catch the tower, all trying to take the same picture. It was funny. We went from Pisa to Florence to celebrate Yvette's birthday, we got significantly wasted and walked around Florence aimlessly in heels for the next hour or so. Good job team. Florence is alot bigger than Arezzo. My feet were throbbing the next day. Class has been somewhat non- existent. We farely have any which is pretty amazing, and one of our classes is just wandering around. The friends that we made stopped talking to us so it continues to be the four of us wandering aimlessly. We met a really cool girl from London who has been hanging out with us also. The guy at the Tabacchi yelled at me for not knowing what he was saying but I just needed him to repeat what he said, jerk. I have been here for a month and Arezzo is starting to kinda feel like home. The transition process is far harder than I ever thought it would be. I miss home not really America but the people and how easy everything is there. I dont like having to handwash all of my clothes by hand. We drink too much here because there is not alot to do.

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